Nearsighted Glasses Selection

 If you are nearsighted or farsighted, then wearing glasses is inevitable. Eyeglasses could completely alter the way you look. Selecting the right pair of nearsighted glasses or farsighted glasses is vital. Moreover, eyeglasses selection also depends on the way you wear your hair.

The first thing that you have to do is to get an eye examination. Do not squint and keep your eyes open and try to relax.  After your examination, you have to decide on a frame. Choose one that fits your lifestyle, personality and facial structure. Determine if you want a plastic frame, a flexible wire frame, gunmetal or titanium. There are hundreds of frames you can choose from. Make your choice based on what you use the glasses for. If you opt for wide frames, make certain that you do not choose too wide frames because they could hurt your ears. Plastic easily breaks while metal bends easily. Titanium is pretty sturdy.

When it comes to the shape, choose a shape that complements the shape of your face. Those with oval faces lean more to rectangular glasses while square-faced people should opt for oval or circular glasses. You can also make your choice by matching the shape of the top of the glasses to the shape of your eyebrow. Try on many styles, colors and shapes before you make your final choice.